If you have a Mac use Firefox (free download) to export or import references to EndNote.
Safari, the default Mac browser, requires extensive changes to work seamlessly with EndNote. Google Chrome may also require some adjustments.
Direct export of references from databases
Most databases have a Direct Export function that will export a reference into your EndNote library. The steps and terminology may differ slightly. Here is a general outline of the basic steps required by most databases:
Mac users: With Safari the exported references will appear in the Downloads folder. Drag and drop the file into the EndNote icon on the dock.
Note: If you minimize your library before you try to export from Firefox it will not work. You need to leave the library open and not minimized for it to directly import into the open library. See here for more information.
To learn how to import references from databases without direct export options see
Importing text files using filters. o
Note: If you are experiencing problems with the Direct Export option from databases see the Problems tab above.
Ovid (MEDLINE, Embase, Emcare, JBI, PsycINFO)
Note: If using Microsoft Edge the exported citations will first appear at the top right corner of the page.
Click on the download to Open. The first time you open a export file, you may receive this error message
Mac users: With Safari the exported references will appear in the Downloads folder. Drag and drop the file into the EndNote icon on the dock.
Note: If you minimize your library before you try to export from FireFox it will not work. You need to leave the library open and not minimized for it to directly import into the open library.
Mac users: With Safari the exported references will appear in the Downloads folder. Drag and drop the file into the EndNote icon on the dock.
Note: If you minimize your library before you try to export from Firefox it will not work. You need to leave the library open and not minimized for it to directly import into the open library.
Mac users: With Safari the exported references will appear in the Downloads folder. Drag and drop the file into the EndNote icon on the dock.
Note: If you minimize your library before you try to export from FireFox it will not work. You need to leave the library open and not minimized for it to directly import into the open library.
1. Direct export of Google Scholar reference with (via Library website) - one reference at a time.
Mac users: With Safari the exported references will appear in the Downloads folder. Drag and drop the file into the EndNote icon on the dock.
NOTE: If you minimize your library before you try to export from FireFox it will not work. You need to leave the library open and not minimized for it to directly import into the open library.
NOTE: Direct Export from Google Scholar is limited to the citation only - no abstract or URL / DOI links. You can try clicking on the Find it@WNHS link or the article title, which will take you to the database / online journal to see if that export function includes the abstract & links.
2. Direct export of multiple references from Google Scholar accessed from the Internet - No
This requires you to create a Google Account which you cannot do using the Google Scholar link on the Library website.
NOTE: Direct Export from Google Scholar is limited to the citation only - no abstract or URL / DOI links.
Problems with Direct Export
EndNote uses filters to pull records from databases into EndNote. If you experience problems with transferring records from databases you need to update these filters.
If you are installing the new files on a home PC or Mac, you can copy them directly into the appropriate EndNote program folder (for filters).
MAC users - Select your required filter, control-click and choose Save Linked File to "Downloads". The filter will now appear in your "Downloads" drag the filter file into your Filters folder. Located HD\Applications\EndNote\Filters