Adding references manually
You may need to add a reference manually to your EndNote library if the source is only available in print or online direct export is not available. It is also useful to understand manual entry so that you can edit your entries.
Select the Reference Type from the drop-down menu at the top of the screen (the default is Journal Article).
Different reference types display different fields.
You only need to fill-in the fields required by your referencing style.
Fields such as abstract, notes, keywords, label are for your benefit and will not appear in the bibliography you generate.
Use capitalisation as recommended by the referencing style you prefer.
Adding information to specific fields:
Author Field
Choose from the following ways to populate this field.
Enter author surname followed by a comma and their initial(s) or first name e.g. Weiner, C. OR Weiner, Carl
Do not use punctuation if you enter the first name followed by the surname e.g. Carl Weiner
For organisations place a comma at the end of the name e.g. Cleveland Clinic,
Enter each author on a separate line within the field (use the Enter key on your keyboard to go to another line).
Date Field
Pages Field
File Attachments
Allows you to attach a copy or link to a document (file).
Select References > File Attachment > Attach File. Locate the file and double click on it to attach a copy.
If you want to create a link to the file instead, select References > File Attachment > Attach File. Go to the bottom left corner of the page and untick 'Copy this file to the default file attachment folder and create a relative link'. Then find the file you want to attach and double click on it.
Saving and Editing