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Research: Publishing Research

WNHS Staff Publications

Click on the relevant live PubMed search link below for WNHS staff publications where Women and Newborn Health Service or King Edward Memorial Hospital have been included as the Affiliated Institution.

Note, this is not an exhaustive list.  Staff must have included the above author affiliation(s) and published in journals included in the PubMed database.  Also, it isn't possible to completely exclude studies affiliated with KEMH, India so these may appear in the list.

These links are for WNHS staff and provide a link out to full text.

Want to narrow it to a specific person?  Click on the search with the date range you want, then in the PubMed search box add the author's surname followed by AND at the start of the search string.



Non-WNHS staff can access this undated list of WNHS staff publications.  No link out to full text is provided and a login isn't necessary.

Publishing Research

What is Open Access?

Open Access (OA) is digital, online, free of access barriers, peer-reviewed research, compliant with copyright. OA is not self-publishing, backyard publishing, free of cost publishing. OA publishing models can be broadly categorized as:

  • Gold OA - author publishes in an OA journal enabling immediate access via the publisher's website. Some journals use a hybrid model involving an article processing charge (APC) to publish the article as OA.
  • Green OA - author publishes a paper in any journal then makes a version of the paper available in an OA digital research repository. The version deposited is specified by the publisher.

Open Access journal options flowchart (AOASG)

Why choose Open Access?

  • NHMRC has recently updated its policy on Open Access requirements and from September 2022 all publications arising from NRMHC funding must be Open Access immediately from publication - the 12 month embargo allowance has been removed.  Read the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Open Access Policy
  • ARC continues to require their funded research publications to be deposited in an OA institutional repository & / or made available in another OA format within 12 months of publication.
  • Benefits of OA :


Over the last decade there has been an increase in new publishers and journals attracting authors who wish to publish Open Access (OA). It is important to evaluate the scholarly credibility of the publisher and the journal if you decide to publish in an OA journal.

Think. Check. Submit provides guidance on choosing the right journal for your research.

Keep the following questions in mind when evaluating OA publishers and journals:

  • Are articles from the journal indexed in databases relevant to your field such as Medline, Embase, Emcare or PsycInfo? 
  • Or are they included in citation databases such as Web of Science?
  • What is the quality of the articles? See appraising the evidence for help.
    If an article is clearly written by a novice this may indicate the publication is a predatory journal.
  • Does the publisher have a clear peer review process and provide details about their peer review panel?
  • Is the publisher listed in or a member of the OA publishers or Associations listed below?

Predatory Journals

Not all publishers are reputable and unfortunately there is no definitive list of publishers and publications to avoid, but there are ways to check for for legitimacy of OA journals.


The World Association of Medical Editors provides further guidance on identifying predatory or pseudo-journals.

The following lists have compiled 'potential, possible or probable predatory journals':

Note: These lists are not comprehensive or authoritative. They are designed to help authors, however, please conduct your own due diligence to reach your own conclusion.

Edifix is an automated reference editing tool that includes the Cabells Reference Checking feature.  This feature uses data from PubMed, Crossref and Cabells Predatory Reports to identify retracted or corrected articles as well as articles published in journals with fraudulent or unprofessional practices.  Note, Edifix requires a subscription.

  Creative Commons Licences

Creative Commons Licences or CC Licences enable the sharing and reuse of creative content by individuals, institutions and companies. It gives people the right to make use of open access material on the Internet but only under certain conditions.

There are 6 different levels of CC Licences - click on the chart below for the permitted reuse provided by each CC Licence (CC BY Creative Commons Australia).


Not all CC Licences are compatible. See the following License Compatibility Chart 

For more information see Creative Commons Australia

Systematic Review & Trial Registers

Clinical Trial Registers

Systematic Review Registers


See also our Systematic Reviews Step-by-Step guide