To find a specific journal article, search for the journal using Journal Title Search. If the Library has access to the journal you will be able to link through to full text, or get a copy from the print collection. If the Library doesn't hold that journal, you can get your article through the document delivery service.
For example, to find the following article you need to search for the journal by its title:
Davis, G. and Jellins, J. Female genital mutilation: obstetric outcomes in metropolitan Sydney. (2019).
ANZJOG Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 59(2): 312-316
- On the Library home page, select the tab Journal Title Search / Browzine and enter the journal title
- Online access is available to this journal from 1961, volume 1. It is also available in print in the Library.
- On the journal website find browse to view all available volumes and issues
- Select the year, volume and issue required
- Browse to find the required page number or article and select PDF to download the article