Licensed Material
Access to electronic resources (such as databases, eJournals and eBooks) purchased from academic and commercial publishers are subject to licence agreements. These licence agreements take precedence over any copyright provisions that might also apply.
The licence agreements specify the terms and conditions governing how the material is to be used. Whilst each licence agreement is different, there are some general rules that apply to most. Library users are individually responsible for compliance with the following terms and conditions:
For further information see Licences for Digital Resources below:
All WNHS staff and students are expected to adhere to the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth).
Authorised reproduction of material protected by copyright can occur in the following ways:
More extensive reproduction may constitute fair dealing. To determine whether it does, it is necessary to have regard to the criteria set out in subsection 40 (2) of the Act.
For more comprehensive information regarding copyright in Australia, go to the Australian Copyright Council webpage.
Creative Commons Licences
Creative Commons Licences or CC Licences enable the sharing and reuse of creative content by individuals, institutions and companies. It gives people the right to make use of open access material on the Internet but only under certain conditions.
There are 6 different levels of CC Licences - click on the chart below for the permitted reuse provided by each type of CC Licence (CC BY Creative Commons Australia).
Not all CC Licences are compatible. See the following License Compatibility Chart
For more information see Creative Commons Australia