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Women and Newborn Health Library (WNHL): Multilingual Information

A guide to consumer health information in the areas of women's and newborn health.

Quick links to health information for women by language

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Auslan (Westmead Hospital) - Auslan is the language of the deaf community. Sign languages use manual communication and gestures instead of sound to express the speaker’s thoughts and meaning. 

Cue cards in community languages (Easternhealth) - Print off any one of the 11 categories you need, which are divided into: basic, instructions, family, community, descriptions, medical, objects, people, religion, time & dental and includes charts indicating days of the week, months of the year, level of pain scale.
Health translations (Victorian Government) - Provides education resources in multiple languages for health care professionals and others to use in their communities. Resources are easy to read and culturally appropriate.
Language & Country List (Queensland Government) - Provides a list of languages by countries.  
Multilingual library catalogue (Multicultural Centre for Women's Health) Multicultural Centre for Women's Health library providing access to resources in over 70 languages. 
Multilingual printable appointment card (Cancer Council Victoria) - Fill in your client/patient's and provider's details, select your preferred language, submit and print. Patients can use the card to locate and remember their next appointment more easily.
Parenting in pictures (Raising Children Network) - Provides graphic rich resources on raising children.  
Parenting information in languages other than English (Raising Children Network - Parenting information on a range of topics in a selection of languages other than English. 
Rare disease resources for the Multicultural Community  This collection of helpful links is for multicultural people living with rare diseases. These links have been put together as part of the Australian Government’s plan to help Australians with rare diseases. 
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) (The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne) Information in other languages about a common respiratory and breathing infection in children. 
Translated health information (NSW Government) - Provides health information in languages other than English.

This website and the information it contains is not intended as a substitute for professional consultation with a qualified practitioner.



Arabic  عربي 

Bosnian  Bosanski

Simplified Chinese   简体中文

Chin Hakka  Chin Hakha

Croatian  Hrvatski

Dari     دری


Filipino / Tagalog Pilipino

French   Français

Greek   Ελληνικά

Hindi   हिन्दी

Indonesian   Indonesia

Italian   Italiano

Japanese   日本語

Kirundi   Ikirundi

Korean   한국어

Macedonian   Македонски

Persian / Farsi  فارسی

Polish   Polski

Portuguese   Português

Punjabi   ਪੰਜਾਬੀ

Russian   Русский

Serbian   Српски

Somali   Soomaali

Spanish   Español

Swahili   Kiswahili

Tamil     தமிழ் 

Thai   ไทย

Turkish   Türkçe

Urdu   اردر     

Vietnamese   Tiếng Việt


Search the following websites to find health information translated from English into a range of languages. Search each site by language or topic.

Use of this information is not intended to replace consultation with a qualified health professional.  The Women and Newborn Health Library makes no claims as to the accuracy, reliability or currency found on these websites. 

Contact Us

Hours: 9:00am - 12:00pm  and 1:00pm - 3:00pm Monday to Friday


Ph: (08) 6458 1100

Fax: (08) 6458 1124

Location: Main Corridor, Ground Floor, A Block, King Edward Memorial Hospital, 374 Bagot Road, Subiaco, W.A. 6008

Postal Address: 374 Bagot Road, Subiaco, W.A. 6008

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