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Women and Newborn Health Library (WNHL): Simplified Chinese 简体中文

A guide to consumer health information in the areas of women's and newborn health.

Language Information

There are currently two systems for Chinese characters: Traditional Chinese character system and Simplified Chinese character system. Here are some examples


Spoken Language

Written Language

Mainland China

Mandarin or Cantonese

Simplified Chinese

Hong Kong and Macau


Traditional Chinese



Traditional Chinese



Simplified Chinese

Simplified Chinese 简体中文

General Women's Health 般妇女健康怀孕


Breast Cancer    乳房癌

乳房癌 Breast cancer

乳房癌 Breast Screening Information

乳房癌 Screening mammography for women with a family history of breast cancer


Child Health 

系好安全带  Buckle up brochure 


Contraception   避孕

避孕 The contraceptive implant 

避孕  The contraceptive injection (DMPA)

避孕 The copper IUD

避孕 The male condom

避孕 The progestogen IUD

避孕 The vaginal ring


Diabetes   糖尿病

了解妊娠糖尿病  Understanding gestational diabetes

 妊娠与糖尿病      Pregnancy and diabetes


Diet and Exercise   膳食和锻炼

膳食和锻炼  Get active each day


General Women's Health   般妇女健康

般妇女健康 Products to help you quit smoking


Gynaecology   妇科

妇科 Colposcopy

妇科 Cone biopsy


Hysterectomy   子宫切除

子宫切除 Hysterectomy


Menopause and Midlife   更年期和中年期

更年期和中年期 Managing menopause

更年期和中年期 Menopause


Menstruation   月经

月经 Menstruation


Mental Health   精神健康

Dealing with difficult times in your life 

何为人格障碍 What is a personality disorder


Pelvic Floor   骨盆底    Urinary

骨盆底  Continence factsheets


Sexually Transmitted Infections   性传播疾病

性传播疾病 Chlamydia


Violence in the home   家庭暴力

家庭暴力Family violence - information for women


Websites  网站

网站 Ethnomed patient education information in Chinese产后抑郁症

网站Health information Translations

网站 Healthy Roads Media

网站 The Royal Women's Hospital


Women's Cancers   妇女癌症

妇科 Colposcopy

妇科 Cone biopsy

妇女癌症 When did you last have a pap smear?


Pregnancy 怀孕, Birth 出生, Parenting子女养育


Planning a Pregnancy   计划怀孕

计划怀孕  Thinking of having a baby –

planning a pregnancy and becoming pregnant


 Pregnancy   怀孕

怀孕Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)

怀孕  Depression during pregnancy and early parenthood

怀孕 Early pregnancy - how to take care of yourself

怀孕 Having a baby

怀孕 A healthy pregnancy

怀孕 High blood pressure in pregnancy 

怀孕 Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy

計 劃 健 康 懷 孕 Planning for a healthy pregnancy 

怀孕 Pre-eclampia explained

呼吸道合胞病毒 Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

怀孕 Stages of pregnancy and labour

怀孕 Ultrasound

怀孕 Vitamin D for pregnant women and new mothers

怀孕 What to bring to hospital when having a baby

怀孕 Your baby's movements and what they mean

产前 孕晚期保健 Antenatal : your third trimester preparing for a healthy baby


Pain relief in labour   分娩止痛

分娩止痛  Anaesthetic for caesarean section

分娩止痛 Epidural information

分娩止痛 Pain relief in labour - Cantonese


Birth 出生

出生  Having a baby

出生  Stages of pregnancy and labour


Newborns   新生儿

新生儿 How to bathe your newborn baby

新生儿 Jaundice in newborn babies

新生儿 Making up baby's cot

新生儿 SIDS - Safe sleeping 


复生 Resuscitation 

复苏:父母的指南 Resuscitation: a parent's guide 


Breastfeeding   母乳喂养

母乳喂养 Breastfeeding and postnatal care

母乳喂养 Breastfeeding your baby

母乳喂养 Daily food guide for breastfeeding mothers

母乳喂养 How breastfeeding works

母乳喂养 Mastitis


Postnatal Care   产后照顾

产后照顾 Improving your recovery after birth - physiotherapy information


Postnatal Depression   产后抑郁症

产后抑郁症  Depression during pregnancy and early parenthood

产后抑郁症 Emotional changes after giving birth


Infant Feeding   婴儿喂食

婴儿喂食 Starting solids 


Immunisation   免疫

免疫 Vitamin k for newborn babies


Child Development   儿童发育

儿童发育  How your baby develops 0-3 months

儿童发育  How your baby develops 3-6 months

儿童发育  How your baby develops 6-9 months

儿童发育  How your baby develops 9-12 months


Your Newborn Baby’s Screening Test   新生儿筛检测试

新生儿筛检测试 Your newborn baby’s screening test

新生儿筛检测试 Why does my baby need a hearing check?