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WNHS Staff Library: Mobile Resources

Mobile App Basics

All  subscribed resources can be viewed by KEMH staff from mobile devices as most will dynamically resize.

Some resources display better with mobile specific apps.  Most require wifi or a data plan for access.  Occasional re-authentication will be required from a Library link.

Therapeutic Guidelines and Micromedex download to your device (no wifi or data connection is needed when using them).  Updates will flow through when connected to a network and occasional re-authentication will be required from a Library link.

This guide will focus on tailored resources for

 Android       iOS          

Mobile Apps

  • Not all Apps are available across all operating systems - there may be Apps for Apple that are not available for Android & vice versa.
  • Apps for licensed resources require an authentication process before you can access the information                                                                                                   

Library Bookmarklets   

  • A Library bookmarklet allows you to access the Library's journals from home or work without having to go through the Library's website.
  • Bookmarklets are available for computers, laptops and Apple devices. For more information see the Bookmarklets tabs in the Downloads for Mobile Devices box.                           

Apps for Mobile Devices

Browse, read and monitor favourite journals on your mobile device with BrowZine


     Provided by the Library! 

1. Download the BrowZine App.  

2. Select Women & Newborn Health Service (or KEMH) from the list of libraries & login with your WNHS login & password

3. Your password needs to be reset when your WNHS password changes. Go to Settings & enter the new password.

4. You can then organise your favourite journals in the My Bookshelf area of BrowZine.  You will be prompted to create a BrowZine Account.  Once an account has been created you can sync your bookshelf with BrowZine Web on your work or home computer

If you experience any difficulties please contact the Library (Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm) on 6458 1499 or

BrowZine integration with EndNote Web is now available for MAC!

From the Article view in BrowZine, EndNote now appears as a bibliographic management export option:


With a single tap, iOS users may export citation and PDF data directly from BrowZine to their EndNote library via EndNote Web. Note: You must have registered with EndNote Web. Contact the Library with any queries.


   AusDI  Provided by the Library!

  • Link to AusDI from the library website (from a work PC) and click on the icon to register for a personal account. Please be aware, there may be up to 48 hours delay in receiving your account details from AusDI
  • AusDI is optimised for use on a mobile, so access the site from your mobile browser, then log in with your personal account credentials
  • Re-authentication will be required every 12 months


Micromedex     Micromedex    Provided by the Library!

  • Go to Micromedex, then click Download Mobile Apps (bottom right) for instructions


 ​ Therapeutic Guidelines   Provided by the Library!

  • The new Therapeutic Guidelines app requires authentication. You can do this at WNHS by using an Access Key.  Follow these steps to get set up.
  • On your mobile device, open an InPrivate/incognito window in your mobile browser (e.g. Safari or Chrome)
  • Go to the WNHS Staff Library webpage and click on the Therapeutic Guidelines button and log in when prompted. Then click on the Menu link ().  You should see a pink button labelled Access by Department of Health Western Australia. Click on the button and select Copy Access Key
  • Open the TG app and click on the Log in button.  Paste the copied access key under the Access Key option and submit
  • You are now set up to use the mobile app.  You will be required to follow these steps every 6 months to maintain access. 
  • For further information see this User Guide.


 Formulary One

  • Click here to create easy access on your mobile device.  This creates a shortcut icon on your home screen.


     Feed Safe (Australian Breastfeeding Association)  FREE!


epocrates     Epocrates Rx   FREE!    ($ to upgrade to Epocrates +)

UpToDate     UpToDate          

Register (top right of the screen) to get login details for the app. To maintain access, you must re-verify your organisational affiliation every 90 days by logging into UpToDate via the Library websiteMore on this from UpToDate
If you have problems with your username or password, contact UpToDate directly (the Library cannot help with this).
Apple IOS    Android Google Play


BMJ Best Practice      BMJ Best Practice          Provided by the Library!

  1. On a hospital computer, set up a free user profile.
  2. On your mobile device, download the BMJ Best Practice App from either Apple or Google
  3. Sign-in using your BMJ Best Practice user profile login details.
  4. Note: this App is designed for offline use, so it is large & may be slow to download.


ClinicalKey        ClinicalKey          Provided by the Library!

  1. Click on the ClinicalKey link above while on a hospital computer
  2. Log into your ClinicalKey Personal account (or create one)
  3. Click on your name (top right) and select Remote Access from the drop down menu
  4. Follow the prompts to enter your work email address and select the institution
  5. Check your email and click the activation link to activate Remote Access


  1. Go to the app store on your mobile device and search for ClinicalKey
  2. Enter your ClinicalKey username and password for remote access to start using the app.

        Please note there may be a delay before full text access is available.


Cochrane       Cochrane Library          iPad only FREE!


       DynaMed           Provided by the Library!

  • Click on the DynaMed link above for instructions on installing and authenticating the DynaMed app on your mobile device
  • Please sign in with your Personal User Account
  • You may need to create a Personal User Account by accessing DynaMed through the Library's webpage here


     Electronic Preventive Services Selector (US)            FREE!

  • Recommendations by patient's age, sex & selected behavioural risk




ASCVD Risk Estimator Plus     ASCVD Risk Estimator Plus             FREE!



     Australian Bureau of Statictics   FREE!



    Unbound Medicine   $


  Skyscape Medical Library   eBooks $



     Lab Tests Online Australasia   FREE!

  • see links to mobile apps at bottom of page

     WISER System for Emergency Responders   FREE!

  •   a system designed to assist first responders in hazardous material incidents. See links to mobile apps on website


      Radiation Emergency Medical Management (REMM)   FREE!


Calculators / Tools

       Skyscape clinical calculator     FREE!


         MDCalc        FREE!


      StatCoder (clinical tools)    many  FREE!


     Skyscape Reader   FREE!


Browser Extensions - LibKey Nomad and EndNote Click

There are several ways you can use your internet browser and be identified as a valid WNHS Library user for full text access to articles that would otherwise have a paywall.  

LibKey Nomad and EndNote Click are browser extensions that embed their icons at the article level for single click link out to full text.  These extensions will only link to full text where the journals are held by the library or the articles are open access.  Where the full text is not available please check the library's Journals A-Z list as the article may be available via a different source, and if not you can link through to the library's document delivery service.


  • LibKey Nomad consults the library holdings data to determine if and where an article is available. 
  • If no holdings are found, LibKey Nomad checks for freely available articles. 
  • If no access is available, you will be linked through to the library's document delivery service. 

Download Libkey Nomad to your PC now and get started.  

Note: LibKey Nomad is permitted at WA Health and is the recommended full text access extension, so you can use this extension at work as well as at home.

Once LibKey Nomad is installed you will be prompted to select a library - select "Women and Newborn Health Service Library"



An alternative browser extension to help you access full text is EndNote Click (formerly called Kopernio). 

EndNote Click works similarly to LibKey Nomad.  See here for more information and to get started.

Please note you cannot run both extensions simultaneously on your browser.


Library Bookmarklet for Computers & Laptops

The Library bookmarklet identifies you as a valid WNHS Library user, allowing you to gain access to subscribed content from a journal website without first going through the Library website. 

Step 1: Set-up the bookmarklet 

Edge Chromium

  • Click on  to the right of the search bar and select Settings > Cookies and Site Permissions and make sure JavaScript is set to 'Allowed'
  • Click on  again and select Favourites. In the Favourites window, click on  and select Open favourites page
  • Select Add favourite
  • Create a name for your bookmarklet then copy and paste the following string into the URL box


Google Chrome




Step 2: Use the bookmarklet

  • When you want to download full text from a journal website that requires a subscription, click on the WNHS Library Proxy Bookmarklet in your Favourites.
  • This will add an authentication string to the web address which will enable you to link to the full text if the WNHS Library has a subscription to the journal.
  • If you are not on a WNHS computer, you will be asked to log-in - the username/password login you use to log in at work.
  • This will work for most journals. Occasionally authentication is more complex & you will need to go through the Library website.


Library Bookmarklet for 

The Library bookmarklet identifies you as a valid WNHS Library user, allowing you to gain access to subscribed content from a journal website without first going through the Library website. 

Step 1. Bookmark this page

  • Go to this page in your device & bookmark it.
  • Call it WNHS Bookmarklet
  • Tap Done.

Step 2. Edit the Bookmark

  • Tap the bookmarks button (open book) at the bottom of the screen (iPhone) or top of screen (iPad).
  • Tap Edit and find the WNHS Bookmarklet you just saved.
  • Tap the URL field & delete everything in it.
  • Copy this entire line of text into the URL address box:


  • Tap Done. 

Step 3. Use the Bookmarklet

  • When you want to access an article or ebook page on your device that denies permission, click the WNHS Bookmarklet in your list of bookmarks.
  • If the Library has subscribed to that content you will be able to log-in with your HE number & WNHS password.
  • This will work for most journals. Occasionally authentication is more complex & you will need to go through the Library website.


Access from Home or Other Sites

WNHS staff with KEMH on-site computer log-in can access the Library's online resources off-site using the same log-in.

WNHS staff located at another site, and staff from other WA Health sites temporarily working at KEMH will need to apply for EzProxy access  - please see How to Request EzProxy Access

Or contact the Library: 6458 1499