PubMed saved searches are provided by the US National Library of Medicine (NLM)
Click on the links to find the latest journal article citations on COVID-19.
For specific Pregnancy or Breastfeeding literature, see the next tab. If required, the WNHS Medical Library staff can tailor a more specific literature search for your requirements.
COVID-19 saved searches in TRIP
Cochrane Library Special Collections
Full text access to COVID-19 article collections provided by various publishers
Literature specifically around COVID-19 in relation to Pregnancy and Breastfeeding.
Please note, the PubMed saved searches are provided by the US National Library of Medicine (NLM). If required, the WNHS Medical Library staff can tailor a more specific literature search for your requirements.
COVID-19 AND Pregnancy - saved search TRIP
COVID-19 Information from Australian Health sources
COVID-19 Information from International sources
Australian Resources
Australian College of Midwives COVID-19 - a collection of useful resources for midwives and the women in your care, including the following:
Australian College of Nursing - COVID-19 resources
Nursing and Midwifery Board - COVID-19 guidance for nurses and midwives
SURGE Critical Care Courses - Rapid upskilling in high dependency & critical care for registered nurses
International Resources
Royal College of Nursing COVID-19 - Information for RCN members
Coronavirus (COVID-19): articles and resources - Mark Allen Group Journals (BJN and BJM)
This Section under construction
Click on the links to view live search results for Long Covid topics
Medicines Information
Multilingual COVID-19 resources
The MyAus COVID-19 app has been developed by the Migration Council of Australia (MCA) for Australia's culturally and linguistically diverse communities to provide information about COVID-19.
Standards and Regulations
Now that we are several years into the COVID-19 pandemic, more detailed studies are being released that draw on much more comprehensive research data. Below are a few interesting review articles that have been released.
Based on this Cochrane Review - Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses (2023)
WNHS staff located at another site, and staff from other WA Health sites temporarily working at KEMH will need to apply for EzProxy access - please see How to Request EzProxy Access
There are several ways you can use your internet browser at home and be identified as a valid WNHS Library user for full text access to articles that would otherwise have a paywall.
Browser Extensions - LibKey Nomad and EndNote Click
LibKey Nomad and EndNote Click are browser extensions that embed their icons at the article level for single click link out to full text. These extensions will only link to full text where the journals are held by the library, or the articles are open access. Where the full text is not available please check the library's Journals A-Z list as the article may be available via a different source, and if not you can link through to the library's document delivery service.
Download Libkey Nomad to your PC now and get started. Note: LibKey Nomad is permitted at WA Health and is the recommended full text access extension, so you can use this extension at work as well as at home.
Once LibKey Nomad is installed you will be prompted to select a library - select "Women and Newborn Health Service Library"
An alternative browser extension to help you access full text is EndNote Click (formerly called Kopernio).
EndNote Click works similarly to LibKey Nomad. See here for more information and to get started.
Please note you cannot run both extensions simultaneously on your browser