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WNHS Staff Library: News

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Attention Neonatal Staff

Resource News

Updates and changes to library resources

Browser Extensions - LibKey Nomad and EndNote Click

There are several ways you can use your internet browser at home and be identified as a valid WNHS Library user for full text access to articles that would otherwise have a paywall.  

LibKey Nomad and EndNote Click are browser extensions that embed their icons at the article level for single click link out to full text.  These extensions will only link to full text where the journals are held by the library or the articles are open access.  Where the full text is not available please check the library's Journals A-Z list as the article may be available via a different source, and if not you can link through to the library's document delivery service.

  • LibKey Nomad consults the library holdings data to determine if and where an article is available
  • If no holdings are found, LibKey Nomad checks for freely available articles
  • If no access is available, you will be linked through to the library's document delivery service
  • Available on Chrome, Edge and Firefox now, with Safari coming online soon also

Download Libkey Nomad to your PC now and get started.  Note: LibKey Nomad is permitted at WA Health and is the recommended full text access extension, so you can use this extension at work as well as at home.

Once LibKey Nomad is installed you will be prompted to select a library - select "Women and Newborn Health Service Library"



An alternative browser extension to help you access full text is EndNote Click (formerly called Kopernio). 

EndNote Click works similarly to LibKey Nomad.  See here for more information and to get started.

Please note you cannot run both extensions simultaneously on your browser.

EndNote 20

EndNote 20 has been rolled out to all WA Health Windows 10 PCs. Check out  What's New in EndNote 20.1 or Contact Us for assistance.

For the few remaining Windows 7 users, you still have access to EndNote X9.3.  If using Windows 7 you may see a prompt to update to EndNote 20 when you open EndNote. Please ignore this as the new version of EndNote requires Windows 10 to run. Click here for more information about the compatibility of recent EndNote versions

Updated January 2022

Technical Updates

Problems logging into Library resources?

To use the Library's eResources a login is required to ensure only WNHS employees can get access. This is a legal requirement of our resource licences. 

If you are a WNHS employee and having problems logging in, it could be due to one of the following reasons.

  1. Are you trying to use your WA Health email address as your username?  This is incorrect, use your network identifier instead - he##
  2. Your network password may have expired.  Contact HSS 13 44 77 to get your password reset. If you have registered for self-service password you can reset your password online through the staff portal - see Self Service Password Reset
  3. Your IT account may not be set up with the appropriate application to allow access to library resources (EzProxy).  Please contact the Library to ask about setting this up (only for WNHS employees)

Generically logged-on computers

If you are using a generically logged-on computer at work you can log into Library resources when prompted using your personal network login.

Note: doing this will only allow access to library resources, and won't load your personal information in any other application such as Outlook or the H drive.

Page not building correctly?

Press Control with F5 to force a refresh of the page. Or click 

Also see Clearing Cached Items tab

The latest information about technical problems you might be experiencing. Can't find the answer here? Contact Us


If you have a PC or laptop that uses Bitdefender it may block connections through to the Library's eResources. This link shows how to add the following exception to allow connections to Library resources.

Exception to add:  *

September 2021

Websites not displaying properly?

The Library website and other external websites require up to date web browsers to display content properly. Most WNHS computers now have Windows 10 and Microsoft Edge (Chromium) Edge Chromium icon as the default browser.  This should ensure webpages load properly.

If you have any problems with webpages not loading properly, try clearing the cache (see next tab).  If working from home, check to see if your browser needs to be updated.  If you continue to have problems, please contact the library for assistance.

October 2021

Pop-ups being blocked in Microsoft Edge?

Microsoft Edge for Windows 10 has no per-website control over blocking pop-ups that Chrome has.  Pop-ups are either blocked, or not.  

To change your pop-up blocking settings (on or off):

  1. Click on the ellipsis icon  in the upper right corner of the web browser window, and then select Settings from the drop down menu
  2. In the Settings menu, select Cookies and site permissions then find the Pop-ups and redirects option
  3. You can toggle on and off the Block control (On is the default recommended setting - to block pop-ups)

You can manually add websites to the Allow pop-ups list if required.


How to clear browsing data including cached items

It is a good idea to clear your browsing data from time to time including cached items so that you access the latest version of webpages.

In Microsoft Edge:

  • Click   (top right of browser window) then select History
  • In the History window, click on the  (more options) again then select Clear browsing data


  • From the drop down menu choose 'All time'. Then tick the items to delete, and click Clear now