This webpage is a collaboration between the KEMH Women & Newborn Health Library and the KEMH Parent Education Department.
The content on this site is for information purposes only, and is intended to help you understand and manage your pregnancy, health and medical conditions. If you are a patient using this site, you should seek assistance from a health care professional when interpreting these materials and applying them to your individual circumstances. The information contained in this website does not replace information or care provided by medical practitioners and other qualified health professionals.
If you have any concerns about your health, consult your general practitioner. Information provided on this site does not imply endorsement of third-party services or products and cannot provide you with health and medical advice.
KEMH King Edward Memorial Hospital
General enquiries (08) 6458 2222
(08) 6458 1368
KEMH Women and Newborn Health Library
(08) 6458 1100
General enquiries (08) 6457 8000
OPH Parent Education Osborne Park
(08) 6457 8010